Saturday, January 17, 2009

Poor Leslie Cantcatchabreak

Upon arriving at Richard's office, where her patience was about to be tried, she noticed a brook to the side of the parking lot where she had parked her car. A car to her left ticked and settled as if it had been recently parked, but when she had gotten there she was the only one around. How long do cars need before they sound like they're off?

She caught the stream just at the bend and watched on the bank as the free flowing water came toward her, over rocks, over fallen trees and uniformly took a right turn onto the rest of it's path. This being November in Glousanbury, everything surrounding the stream was dead and brown and grey and faded. There was a grouping of leaves and debris that formed a pocket not far from where she stood. Most of the water was able to avoid that pocket, but some got stuck there and some grew stagnant.

"You can't get mad at stagnant water, Richard."

Seemingly annoyed enough to win her fight, she went inside and told Richard's receptionist that she was a little early for her scheduled appointment. And after checking his paperwork, he agreed, early by a week.

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